Act quickly and reduce damage with our real-time identity alerts.
Should the worst happen, we will help you recover your identity with our knowable team of experts.
Set Up Monitoring
Trust Cyberman365 React to help protect you from identity theft. We provide continuous monitoring of your personal data to keep you informed in case of compromise.
We scan the dark web (known for selling stolen personal information) for your personal data.
Instant Alerts
Receive alerts to your email if an identity thief uses your personal data to open a new account or verify your identity.
Cyberman365 React’s monitoring and alert service puts you back in control of your data and allows you to act before its too late, minimizing the potential damage a fraudster could cause.
Restoration Support & Insurance
If you experience ID theft, a U.S. based Fraud Resolution Agent will deliver step by step support to investigate and restore your identity.
You are also covered up to $1 million1 for certain eligible expenses associated with ID theft, including lost wages, legal fees, and electronic fund transfers.
Malware & Viruses
Criminals use tactics to infiltrate your devices and may steal information and hold your device and files for ransom until you pay a fee.
Data Breaches
Unfortunately companies often fall victim to data breaches where customers’ personal information is exposed. This means criminals can get hold of your data.
Mail Theft
If you have an unlocked mailbox, identity thieves can easily steal your mail containing your personal information.This also applies to your garbage so make sure you shred any personal data.
Change of Address
With just a name and address someone can divert your mail. They can then collect additional information about you such as credit card information or your Social Security Number.
Wallet Theft
If someone gets hold of your wallet, think about how much information they would have on you, SSN, name, age, bank accounts, health insurance details and more.
Oversharing on Social Media
Always be aware of what you are sharing, if strangers can predict your movements it’s easy for them to steal your identity or belongings.
Strengthen your cybersecurity with Homescan, a tool that monitors your network and devices to keep them safe.
In the event of a cyber-attack, you can count on us to swiftly resolve the issue and restore your systems.
Scan and Monitor
Trust HomeScan to protect you from cyber-attacks. We provide continuous monitoring of your network and devices.
Our system simulates possible cyber attacks allowing us to uncover vulnerable access points for the connected devices in your home.
We also actively look for open cameras that can be used by a bad actor to spy on you and your family.
Increase Your Cyber Resilience
HomeScan will scan your IoT devices and network to identify how you can make improvements to your home security.
We will then provide step by step instructions for you to follow so you can implement preventative measures to further reduce your chances of a cyber incident.
Cyber Incident Management & Compensation
In the event of a security incident, an expert human response team will help contain the attack.
Depending upon the severity of the attack, we will either restore your device, network, data, or pay to replace it completely.
Password Recycling and Weak Credentials
Reusing passwords across multiple devices and services provides criminals easy access for account takeover attacks. No sophistication here. Create long and unique passwords for every device and account used online.
Unaware of Compromised Devices
Most users don’t realize they’ve been hacked until it’s too late. A delayed response gives hackers the opportunity to exploit your data and compromise other devices on your network.
Data Protection and Security Challenges
More people are now working and learning remotely than ever before. Sensitive information is passed between personal and business computers and many are sharing devices at home for a variety of purposes. This puts data and devices at a greater risk for compromise.
Malware and Ransomware
Cyber criminals can lock you out of a device holding all of your digital contents hostage. Family pictures, important documents and more become encrypted with threats to release it publicly unless the demand is paid. Cameras and monitors are also at risk giving prying eyes access to intimate parts of your home.
Outdated Hardware and Software
From performance to cybersecurity, not all IoT devices are created equally. Connected devices have exploded in popularity creating “smart” but vulnerable homes all over the world. Not all manufacturers provide needed firmware updates and many users fail to apply software patches placing individuals and homes at risk.